Before & After

Plastic Surgery Med Spa
Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser Resurfacing 06

This 72 year old Asian woman presented with extremely droopy eyelids that were getting in the way of her vision. Her visual field exam confirmed this problem and her insurance pre-authorized ptosis eyelid repair.  Since she was undergoing surgery, she also decided to address some of her cosmetic concerns: she was unhappy with her baggy lower eyelids, excess upper eyelid skin, and facial wrinkling. Dr. Amadi performed bilateral upper eyelid ptosis repair that was covered by her insurance. From a cosmetic standpoint, he performed upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty, and full face laser resurfacing.  She was still a bit pink from the laser about 3 months out, but that will continue to improve. She was delighted with her improvement from both cosmetic standpoint, and her improved visual field

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