Before & After

Plastic Surgery Med Spa
Double Eyelid Surgery

Double Eyelid #1285

This is a 45 year old Asian male who is unhappy with his poorly formed creases. His preference was for a low, parallel crease. Dr. Amadi performed Asian blepharoplasty (incision type double eyelid surgery) with a parallel medial crease, and set his creases at 7 mm and did not remove any skin. The patient was very happy with the results, but there is a 1 mm difference between crease height. This will likely improve with time as this patient is only 3 months after his surgery, but this demonstrates even with meticulous planning and surgery, outcomes can still be asymmetric due to variability in healing. Dr. Amadi posted this photo to the website specifically to highlight this fact so patients can have proper expectations. 

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